How to Improve the Clarity of Your Message
Sending a clear message is key to communicating effectively with your target audience. Learn these quick tips for improving the clarity of your message.
Getting Started With CRMCustomer relationship management (or CRM) refers to any software-supported, formal program that keeps track of profiles, behavior and interactions with customers, leads or prospects. If your business is interested in harnessing the many benefits of customer relationship management, this article will share a few things you’ll want to do or investigate before signing on with a CRM provider.
Jumpstart Your Association Blog With These 20 Post IdeasA blog is a powerful tool for sharing information with your community as well as increasing your search engine rank along the way. A blog gives you the opportunity to position yourself as an industry leader, directly engage people interested in relevant industries and topics, and show that your association has a personality. But what do you do when you have blogger’s writing block?
Understand Your Prospect’s MotivationsKnowing why people buy your products is vitally important in all your marketing endeavors, so that you can play to those strengths. In this article, I’ll discuss bluntly the basic human needs that drive purchasing.
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Digital Signage and multimedia contents can help you improve the marketing communications and interaction with the customers. The article provides important guidelines as to how to improve the process using latest solutions.
The Hard-Sell AdvertisementIf you’re worried about offending people as a marketer, then you’re crippling your own progress. Your advertisements should draw in the right people while repelling the wrong ones.
Just Make a Damn Decision!I apologize for the strong language – not usually in my repertoire- but I really did want to get your attention. I am just so sick and tired of talking to people who don’t know how to make a decision! Aren’t you? So many people who call themselves entrepreneurs, who say they are serious about growing their business, who get presented with tremendous opportunities and… say… ‘let me think about that’.