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How to Find Clients and Fill Your Programs Through Networking

If you are ready to start offering live seminars in person, you might wonder how to find clients and fill seats. When I was building my business, I relied on networking to fill my workshops. BNI (Business Networking International) was a mainstay for me, since it offers weekly networking to build a referral team. This international organization has chapters literally all over the world, with some cities offering multiple meetings.

Marketing Principles That Aspiring Entrepreneurs Should Keep in Mind

Are you planning to engage in a new business? In that case, you will need to take note of some good marketing principles to convince your target market that you’re the one they need. Want to know more about this topic? If so, read on…

Why Do Businesses Use Online Marketing?

Many business owners want to profit from their ROI (Return On Investment) and break even. This is done by registering the brand name of their product or service. And it is to their advantage to get local recognition for the product they want to sell or service they provide.

Reaping Rewards for Guest Blogging

Guest blogging can work greatly for your business if you know how to do it correctly. If you want more visibility online and more traffic to your site or blog, guest blogging is a good place to start.

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The Amazing Secret of Selling Money at a Discount

Selling anything is about showing people that what you have is worth more than the money they’re asking for it. In many cases, especially with business opportunities, you’re actually selling them money at a discount.

Digital Marketing With Native Ads in Child Care

You’ve probably heard the term “native advertising” but do you know what it means? Did you know you can use native ads to more efficiently market your child care center or preschool? Going native simply means placing ads in spots on a webpage where the viewer or user is naturally looking – or within the organic functionality of the advertising platform. This will help get your child care noticed and help you to increase inquiries to your center.

The 6-Step Million-Dollar Sales Letter Formula

If you want to make more money with your marketing, you need to hone your copywriting abilities. This formula will show you how.

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