How I Made $2,737 Today Without a List (Make Money Online No Email List Required)

Three Rules to Handle Client Cancellations

I get a lot of questions about how to handle client cancellations. This is such a common problem, but many business owners have difficulty knowing the best way to deal with a client who cancels at the last minute. What I’ve found is that you need to know three basic concepts to address the situation.

How To Use Promotional Drink Bottles For Marketing And Advertisement

Marketing is a lifeline and blood supply to any small or corporate level of business. Without an impressive and effective marketing strategy, no business can survive longer in this competitive and economically unstable market situation.

How To Hire For Success

So you’re at a place where you need to hire employees. Fantastic! How can you improve the odds that you’ll hire well? Follow some basic guidelines.

How To Handle The Tough Stuff!

Did you think it would be ‘easy’ having your own business? I was driving through a small business area of town last week and commenting to my friend that many people just have absolutely NO idea what it takes to have a business and to succeed in business.

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6 Easy Ways to Fix Your Marketing

Chances are, if your marketing needs fixing, it will take time to overhaul it. I’m usually not a believer in quick fixes of any sort. But there are a few ways that you can quickly and easily fix your marketing if you have made some of the most common mistakes. Many of us filter out marketing messages several times a day simply because we don’t feel it applies to us, we’re not ready to buy or we are not convinced of the value. It’s important to review your marketing efforts on a continual basis to make certain you’re getting maximum results. A popular rule of thumb, the Pareto Principle suggests that you’ll get 80% of your results from 20% of your effort. So why not explore the basic areas where most folks get tripped up in their marketing?

Competitive Analysis – Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself

Your competition has more influence on your business decisions than you think. This article explores why it’s healthy to have competition and why it helps your business.

4 (Not So Obvious) Reasons to Send a Press Release

An informative press release provides free advertising and a marketing venue. But here’s how smart companies prosper by sending press releases…

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