Why Is Writing Funny So Hard?
However, if you are determined to maintain your staid, cool demeanor, be my guest. But I’m afraid your emails won’t be getting a lot of attention.
Marketing Writing: From My Dog’s Perspective1. I’ve been writing in my business for 35 years. And pretty much regularly, once a week for 22 years. 2. I own two very adorable, wonderful dogs, Dylan and Meera.
Marketing Theory Without Execution: An Idea With No Follow-ThroughAn ongoing debate exists in the marketing industry that begs the following question: Is it more important to devise a marketing strategy or to execute actions to achieve your goal? There are good arguments all the way around this debate, but when it comes down to it, the answer is really… neither. You simply can’t be successful without either one.
What Is Forex and How To Get Better at Forex TradingWhat is Forex? There is a lot of talk about Forex in financial circles, but it has also infiltrated into the mainstream discussion in the past few years. In simple terms, Forex is a way of referring to the foreign exchange market, where various currencies are traded.
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There is no doubt that you would work very hard to make a success of your brand and your business and that you will at some point be able to bring your business to the next level. However, does all of your hard work, time, and energy yield monetary results as well as your ability to build meaningful relationships, etc.?
The Key to Make Your Marketing Message Stand OutWhether you’re delivering your elevator pitch at a networking event, introducing yourself at a business reception, answering the question at a cocktail party, or promoting your services in print, you need to clearly articulate what it is that you do… and make it interesting.
Digital Marketing As A Subset Of Business Development StrategiesThe paths used to reach clients are classified as channels; with that said it is plain to see that there are multiple channels that may be employed in order to reach chosen target market segments. One such marketing channel the digital path which can be further segmented into sub channels .