How to Beat Competition in the Freelancing Industry


Should You Choose Promotional USB Sticks For Your Company?

When it comes to choosing promotional items, whether you want to hand them out to every customer or only reward your loyal customers during the festive season, you may feel overwhelmed by the wide selection available. There are hundreds of promotional items to choose from and it is imperative that you choose the right one, one that not only appeals to your target market, but also promotes your business on a daily basis, improving your brand visibility and helping you achieve success moving forward.

What Makes Promotional Products So Effective for Marketing?

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Promotional products matter to your marketing strategy. Find out how to correctly target the pieces you choose to your ideal audience.

Connect-The-Dots Marketing: A Gift From Steve Jobs

By taking a “rear view mirror” approach to their marketing strategy, companies of all sizes can avoid wasted activity, and generate tangible business outcomes. In his 2005 commencement address at Stanford University, Steve Jobs gave graduates similar guidance; to connect the dots as a way to gain insight into their lives, and to plan for the future.

Smart Marketing Objectives

While identifying marketing objectives that can support your company’s long-term goals, it is important that you apply the widely used mnemonic, SMART. With the establishment of smart marketing objectives, you will be in a position to assess the suitability off the goals that have been set, identify different strategies to be used, or just improve your business process. Smart marketing objectives are also able to provide your company with a more structured marketing plan that has realistic targets. As a result, it gives you the confidence that these objectives are attainable. These goals are also able to give the company a proper direction, as each is aware of their targets; therefore, attaining the objectives set is much faster.

Important Marketing Strategies For Small Scale Enterprises

With the advent of science and technology, there has been massive industrialization in different countries of the world. Population boom in the major countries of the world has also increased demand for goods and services offering greater business opportunities to commercial enterprises. But there are so many business organizations, that unless potent marketing strategies are followed, it will be difficult for an individual organization to survive. Some of the most prominent promotional policies are:

Verizon Product Managers Show The Dangers Of Trying To Be Too Cool

Just in case you didn’t hear about it, Verizon is rolling out a new wireless service that they are calling “go90”. The name comes from the product development definition that says that users will now start rotating their phones 90 degrees in order to watch videos on the go90 service. Now Verizon is a very large U.S. telecommunications provider, but they are not necessarily thought of as being a “cool’ company. Companies such as Virgin, Nike, and Facebook can claim the “cool” crown – not Verizon. Does this mean that the Verizon product managers are making a mistake in trying to roll out a cool product?

Target Markets Lie: Some Strange Truth in Pointy Boots

In order to succeed as an entrepreneur in business you have to get out of your own head and into the minds and hearts of the people you serve – your target market. How do you do that when they often lie? People will often tell you what they think you want to hear instead of what they really think. This article will teach you how to dig deep to find out what they really think and feel about the problems they have and the solution you offer.

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