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Why Should You Use Free Classified Ads Websites

I do one thing on a daily basis: I read classified ads on a daily paper to check if someone is selling a house in my area that I can buy. Actually, I am planning to move into a new house in a better location.

Introduction to Marketing – Part 6: Branding Strategy

Marketing is a versatile, crucial and ever changing organisational function. It is a practice that everyone should have a basic understanding of, which is why I am writing a series of articles focused on covering the basics for people that want to know more about this amazing science.

Five Ways to Use Public Speaking to Attract More Clients

Public speaking is one of the fastest ways to attract new clients. The on-the-spot connection you establish with one effective presentation is a richer and more holistic experience compared to a blog post, a video or even social media. Your live speaking engagement is able to convey your expertise, authenticity and accelerates the Know, Like and Trust factor for your audience.

Tips For Handling Your Money As a Start-Up!

I often get asked how I managed to invest in my business a few years ago when I had no clients and was starting over. I know this kind of situation often feels like a ‘catch-22’ for many new entrepreneurs.

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Why Is Social Media Marketing Important?

This question is constantly being asked by many business owners that don’t understand the ways in which having an active and successful Social Media presence can benefit them and their business. Online presences have evolved and it is important for organizations to adapt to these changes and take advantage of the opportunities they offer. Social Media Campaigns offer brands the opportunity to: Increase brand awareness by appearing on websites that have millions of users worldwide.

Selling Solutions

Learn the art of selling solutions from Cialis and Viagra? Understand what you are really selling.

4 Ways to Market Your Small Business With Blogging

Blogs have become one of the most popular tools used to market small businesses. Statistics show that small businesses with blogs generate a substantially larger number of leads than small businesses that do not have a blog. This article will give you a list of 4 ways a small business blog can be used to market your company.

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