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How to Think Like a Marketer

Many people say they hate marketing. That’s usually because they think marketing is all about advertising and sales. Marketing is a process, not an event. It involves research, promotion, and distribution along with advertising and sales.

What Is Market Research?

Market Research is the technique of assessing the viability of a new proper or carrier via studies performed directly with the patron which permits a company to discover the target market and report evaluations and different enter from clients concerning interest inside the product. Market studies may be conducted through the employer itself or via a third-celebration enterprise that specializes in the market research subject.

Content Marketing is a Surefire Way to Boost Your Business

Steps to increase the productivity of your business through content marketing. The written content must be coercive to attract customers in order to build your business.

How Bollywood Movies Help to Learn Marketing Lessons

The digital world has introduced several new opportunities and ways to develop and enhance marketing of the products. The marketing strategies of the Bollywood movie offers a real-time platform to grasp the basics of the promotions and advertising. With focusing on the real fact, marketing gurus also justify the concept and strategies of marketing from Bollywood Movies.

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How Marketing Mix Can Help Small Businesses Grow

If you are doing all you can to grow your small business but nothing is working, you might want to take a step back and reconsider your marketing mix. Doing the right type of marketing at the right place and at the right time requires some brainstorming, research and analytical approach. Take a look at what marketing mix is and how you can use this concept to grow your small business.

The Perfect Store Concepts For Repeat Visits

Catching your customers’ attention when they walk in takes work. From the color to the furniture, from the placement of your products to the friendly smile you shine at them from the cashier counter. Whatever it is, understanding consumer behaviour will keep them coming back. So, here are some nugget of thoughts to chew on about how to attract and keep your customers.

Seven Ways to Build Your Marketing Skills Without Going Back to Study

Today, more than ever, we are living in a world where access to learning is so readily available, it’s on tap 24/7, 365 days a year, from anywhere on the planet. Much of this is for FREE. Even the busiest person can develop their marketing skills if they are hungry enough and know where to look.

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