New Market
Entering a new market is an exciting prospect for any business looking to take the plunge. Not only does a new market present a whole lot of new opportunities, but a new market also brings with itself many challenges. Out of all the options that a business has, entering a new market is perhaps the only one that allows a business some room for growth. A business entering a different market can expand and develop beyond its current capabilities. Yet, while a new market brings with it so much to look forward to, any foot put in a wrong direction can quickly backfire and lead to darkness.
Grocery Shopping Is ChangingAnother instance of how technology is altering our lives. Amazon has some interesting plans on the table.
Why Product Managers Need To Learn To Love Inbound MarketingIn today’s overloaded, hyper connected society, getting the attention of our potential customers has become harder than ever. Darn. As product managers we need to find ways to overcome this hurdle and right now, it’s looking like inbound marketing just might be the way to go…
How Advances in Online Communication Are Changing Sports PR PracticeIn the past ten years, the internet has totally revolutionised the practice of every aspect of public relations, and sports PR is no exception to this. The technological revolution has not only changed the way PR agencies communicate but has changed the very nature of communication.
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Part one of a step by step model to help you plan and clarify your marketing direction. Each P has a list of questions to consider when you develop your marketing strategy and these will be described in detail.
Role of Commercial Label Printing CompaniesThe market is full of business companies that are struggling to make a positive impact on consumers. Many are resorting to various marketing strategies to boost market presence of their company, brand and sales of products and services.
Creating a Credit Union Switch KitIn recent months, frustration toward our nation’s big-name banks has become more prevalent – and more pronounced – than ever before. In fact, many big bank customers have become so disillusioned by their financial institution’s high rates and fees that they’re ready to take the plunge and find a new financial partner entirely. Don’t miss out on these new membership opportunities!