Succeeding Online: Why You Should Mind Your Customer’s Perspective
I’m a teacher, and in the early days of my career, we crammed the children’s heads with knowledge. That’s what’s called teacher-centred teaching. It turned out imbeciles. Things have changed now and teachers use the learner-centred method instead which involves the children in the learning process and produces better students. The same phenomenon is true in online work. If you want to succeed online, take a cue from this: you must sell from your customer’s perspective and not yours. But instead of that, what do we see? Most of the content online straight go into selling prospects on the “features” of a product. Also when creating content, people either forget about the reader or they get so immersed in the “process” that they don’t give any thought to them. Yet to sell online people should be uppermost in your mind.

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Guide On How To Make More Money On Fiverr
Fiverr is a site that allows anyone from any part of the world to sell his/her services for $5. You can sell absolutely anything including: SEO services, website design, graphics and design, tutorials and many others. To sell your skills you only need to create a gig for $5. Although, $5 may seem too little, you can make good money if you put these tips into consideration:
The Internet Is A Very Noisy Place And Sadly, It Is Not Safe!
The internet is a very noisy place and sadly, it is not necessarily a safe place. For example, the other day I received an email notification with the following message, “Congratulations! Your application for the U.S. citizenship is ready to be approved. You have the opportunity to be authorized to live and work in the USA as a lawful permanent resident” The message went on to tell me what to do next to “complete the registration process” and provided a link to click. Clearly a fraudulent attempt to obtain information but such a simple message could easily be interpreted as valid by a non-citizen and acted upon with potentially bad results.