Is There Still Room for New Instructors on Udemy?

Market My Business: Writing Winning Press Releases

Advertising in the newspaper or on the radio is expensive and chances are your customers are tuning out your message! Press releases let editors know what is newsworthy about your business – but you’ve got to do it well or you won’t get your story told.

Does Your Resistance To Change Show Up As Criticizing Others?

Much of the work I do with my clients requires them to make some changes. I usually coach them to make small doable changes first. Some of those changes can be uncomfortable, but many of them my clients are ready to make.

Five Perfect Tasks for Your New Virtual Assistant

Most small business owners start feeling stretched and get to the point where they can no longer do it all alone. You realize you need another pair of hands to complete everything that’s on your plate. So you decide to hire a Virtual Assistant (VA) and think this is a way to help you get more done faster. You may not know right away what tasks your VA should handle, but you would love for this service to somehow pay for itself.

Vibrant Shades Of Event Marketing

Advertising, marketing and especially event marketing has seen some of the greatest transformation in the last decade. With the ever so engaging transformation and tectonic shifts, it has observed many shades of time.

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The New Face Of Event Marketing

The world is moving like never before and companies are moving at an even faster pace with new and innovative ideas all the time in order to draw attention of the widest possible audience. With the smart moves and some of the most creative ideas, companies always try their excellent levels to magnetize the audience towards their company/product/service.

Is This Why So Many Content Marketing Campaigns Fail?

Content marketing has been around since the early 1890’s. It thrived in the hey day of radio and it is still thriving today. In fact, the opportunities for a successful content marketing campaign have never been better. That makes it difficult to understand why so many of these campaigns don’t succeed, but fail they often do. Two potential linked causes stand out from all the other reasons for failure. I will discus them in this article…

Tradigital Marketing: How to Integrate Traditional and Digital for Maximum Results

There is a paradigm shift regarding the way people consume marketing messages. Traditional marketing might be the conversation starter but digital is the new destination as usually the first portal to get more detail (think Google). In other words, it is not “traditional” vs. “digital,” its “tra-digital” that will generate better results. The same applies for traditional instore environments.

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