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What Can Product Managers Learn From How The iPhone Was Born?

If you are like most product managers, you look at the iPhone and wish that it was the product that you were managing. I mean, how cool would that be? Who wouldn’t want to be in charge of a product that has sold over 470M copies? One of the things that we often overlook is that once upon a time the iPhone didn’t exist. How it came into being is a story that holds some important lessons for product managers…

4 Simple Low-Cost Ways To Improve Your Outbound Marketing Efforts

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Among the basic foundations of a thriving profitable business is an active, ongoing, and professional-looking outbound marketing presence. It does not matter if you are a home-based business, or one-person professional office, or a business with many employees. This list does not change no matter how small or large your company.

Missions and Marketing

Some businesses use their mission statement as a part of their marketing practice. Is this a positive or negative form of corporate branding?

Presenting Your Value-Added

Let’s explore strategies that will strengthen your perceived value-added and enhance your brand power. Identifying how to best communicate your expertise and authenticity is the best place to start. Increases in perceived value are generally more profitable than increases in the quality of services delivered. Clients are known to pay more for what they think is worth more before they’ll pay for service upgrades. A good brand is very seductive. Brand loyalty persuades customers to pay $5.00 for coffee when they could buy a higher-quality brew for $2.00.

The Power of Social Proof and Its Effect on Your Business

Social media and other digital products and services are proving to be more and more useful and even paramount to some businesses and the growth of that business. How do you get people talking about your business through these methods though?

Event Marketing 101 – How To Get The Crowds In

Event marketing is all about knowing your audience and understanding what media will get the message to stick in their minds. It is the art of influencing people in a way that the right segment of the population feels the need to come attend the event. It is a process that uses a combination of various media and tactics to ensure that people feel the buzz you wish to create.

Establishing Your Brand on College Campuses

The student audience is very important to marketers. The student audience is very promising. This article discusses how you can capture the attention of the student audience.

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