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How to Have Fun Promoting Your Business

Product promotion is supposed to be fun! How are you supposed to get your customers to engage with your brand and create a whole new (and meaningful) experience for them if your humdrum promotional ideas put them to sleep?

Simple Yet Effective Appointment Setting Tips

How exactly can marketers set an appointment with the decision makers of a software company? Here are some simple yet proven effective b2b telemarketing tips that you may want to consider. Read on.

How to Take a Stand for Your Clients

This week I want to talk to you about what it means to take a stand for your prospects, your clients and your customers.Taking a stand means to publicly express an opinion about something-even if it’s not very popular. Think of it as putting out a manifesto or getting up on your soapbox and telling the world what you think about the situation at hand.

Benefits of Bulk SMS

In this fast moving world, everyone strives to keep themselves informed about the current events happening in the world. One of the common devices that help us to get updated information from all corners of the world is mobile phones. As there are more than 4 billion mobile phone users worldwide, bulk SMS strategy was discovered to grab the attention of customers. As the market is expanding day by day, this type of messaging is becoming the basic medium to reach people. During the initial stage, it was used by companies to access their customers quickly.

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The Top 5 Marketing Mistakes Small Business Owners Make

One of the best parts of what I do is that I get to meet and work with many amazing small business owners. I hear about their personal story, why they love what they do, the amazing work they do with their clients and yet they are struggling to get more clients consistently and make decent money in their business.

Content Marketing, a Paint by Numbers Guide to Creating Your Best Content Ever

Content marketing is critical to online marketing success, but most businesses, large and small, either aren’t doing it right, aren’t doing it enough, or simply aren’t getting enough out of their existing content. Learn the “Content Arbitrage” methods that solve these problems and put your business and website on the map!

How to Get Website Traffic and Make Sales Out of Them

More website traffic is known to be a good indicator of how marketable your product is and how engaging your website can be. Many online companies capitalize how to get website traffic because of this. However, getting people (Internet users) to visit your page is still an entirely different thing from actually converting them to become your customers. This is a classic transition from marketing to sales, which even traditional businesses find difficulty in.

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