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‘Beware the Fake Marketer’ – Part Six and Final Part

Beware of the bargain bin Marketing Consultant. Last post I discussed the danger of signing a long-term contract, signing over copyright or pre-paying in full. For this, my last post in this series, I want to discuss the opposite – the marketer who uses bargain prices, rather than skills, to draw you in.

Email Marketing Tips

Today almost every website has a strategy for email marketing and this surely is one of the best ways to proceed. Almost everyone shops online these days and hence you need to make sure that your business has an amazing web presence. If you’re looking for great ways to promote your products to the people who are actually interested in it, the best way would be email marketing along with various other factors such as SEO, Social networking and proper web design.

Affluent Consumers and Daily Deals

According to a survey by the American Affluence Research Center, 47% of the affluent use daily deals. This indicates the worth of such programs to the retail industry, and its potential use in brand recognition and customer attraction.

Lead Generation Made Easy: Appointment Setting Tips

Appointment setting need not be a difficult campaign. There are just some rules that you need to remember to ensure its success. Read on to learn more about it.

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Modern Promotional Campaigns and Strategies

Advertising – a marketing strategy that eventually aims at generating an increase in sales turnover by capturing a major chunk of market share, by gaining popularity amongst consumers. The promotional activity usually aims at creating awareness about a product, and encouraging potential users to buy the product. Over time, advertising evolved as many techniques were adopted to promote products and services; during the early times people used to shout out loud in open market places, drawing attention to themselves to attract buyers, in the current era the shout-outs are virtual, and reach all those who visit a particular website,…

Get More Customers: Several Shortcuts On How To Increase Sales – Part 1

If you want learn how to increase sales quickly then spend two minutes reading the five shortcuts listed below so you can quickly identify the one or two shortcuts you can use immediately to make more money from your business. The trouble with most businesses is that they spend all their energy looking for more clients when they have not leveraged what is right under their nose. Shortcut 1: Sell Additional Products or Services to your Existing Customers…

Market Analysis Is A Must

Advertising can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. Figuring out who your customers are, determining your customer groups, determining your customer needs, looking at the competition and your pricing, creating a catchy tagline, and determining where to advertise are just the beginning. Market analysis is essential to ‘getting it right’.

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