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Give Your Old Thesis New Life By Making It A Bestseller

Take that old thesis off the shelf and put it to work for you with a new life as a commercial bestseller.In this article you will learn how to retrofit your academic content into a a marketing tool that will bring new prospects to your door and generate new leads for years to come.

Call Tracking System: Why Your Online Business Needs It

Generating phone-based leads remains a critical method to ensure success in your online marketing campaign. This is made possible through a system that lets you collect and gather caller data to be analyzed, and from which the marketing principles behind the next campaigns will be based.

How to Grow Your Business With Affiliates

Adding an affiliate program to your business is a golden opportunity that you should never pass up! Have people sell your products and services for you.

Why ROI Tracking Plays a Key Role in Online Business Success

Running an online business requires that you consistently monitor the market and keep track of what your customers want. Achieving this, however, is not always enough. A clear assessment of your monetary return of investment is a key factor to knowing if your venture is headed for success or doom – and having the right tools for ROI tracking is essential.

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Understanding Call Tracking and How It Can Help Your Business

More and more online and offline businesses go for call tracking as part of their marketing strategy. Not only does this help them positively identify the customers that call the number posted on their websites, it also gives them an idea of the general demographic they should be catering to. Read on to understand more about call tracking and how you can use it to effectively market your business.

Digital Marketing: Understand Your Website Audience Statistics

One way to make money directly from your website is to sell advertising space. This can be a lucrative way to make extra income, but there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

Things to Consider When Looking for a Design Studio

Good graphic design is about more than just making things look pretty. From a marketing perspective, design is the visual expression of a business’s identity and its brand.

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