Turning $0 into $10K | Make Money Online Challenge (Part 2)

Marketing Opportunities Knock When Grocers Cease Plastic Bagging

As retailers become more environmentally conscious and prohibit the use of plastic bags, an opportunity arises for business to take the lead and give away non-disposable, vinyl or biodegradable market bags to promote their products and services. Recently Sobeys grocery conglomerate unveiled its new policy of not packing groceries in plastic. The program will extend to other chains under its umbrella. Consumers have begun to seek alternatives, and giving them market bags with company advertising, helps the environment, and perhaps just as importantly, the bottom line of those willing to pay for market bag production.

How to Optimise Your Small Business Sales Funnels

Many small business owners in the UK struggle with adding people to their digital sales funnels. They are unable to use the tools and software they use, and are afraid of implementing a system. Below you will find out how to improve your small business sales funnel conversions.

Customers: Love Your BRAND

Customers are looking for companies they can keep purchasing from and brands they can become advocates of. In other words..

Won’t Turn Pink In The Can

There’s an apocryphal story about a tuna cannery at the turn of the 20th century. How do you position tuna against the much more popular canned salmon? You tell the truth, and create a position statement.

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4 Reasons Why Digital Marketing Is Important for Small Businesses

83% of SMBs (small businesses) believe digital marketing (DM) is crucial for their businesses. Can you beat that? A simple “No”.

Where Refrigerators Go to Die

We are constantly told if we don’t keep up with technology our businesses will fall behind. Where early innovators are quick to embrace the latest labor-saving equipment or software, others still trail the field, hanging on to the last breath until they themselves run the risk of becoming obsolete.

Impact of Shift to Polymeric Cables on DC and AC Cable Accessories

In the arena of power transmission, there has been a continual shift from paper cable technology to polymeric-insulated cable technology. However, technicians are still not very certain when it comes to making a right choice between the two of them for their application.

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