UNBOXING Hand Lettering Guides

What I Hate More Than Taxes… And How to Avoid It

A few days ago I received a phone call from my CPA regarding my taxes for this year. After the classic greeting and how things are going, he proceeds to save words and go directly to the matter (damn if he only would charge for words instead accounting services I will save a lot of money a year) besides signing and sending the paperwork he was waiting for my check to the IRS (in the high 5 digits). “Ok I will send it as soon as I can” I replied and then he hung up.

Finding A Quality Printing Company

This article will provide information about how to seek a company that can provide the right type of printing you need at a price you can also afford. To produce marketing collateral, start looking for a printing company with fast turnaround times and quality prints.

The Basics of Marketing Data Reporting

In today’s market place it is absolutely essential that you have the proper information to drive your marketing decisions. Without it, you are essentially flying blind, making choices about how you spend your marketing budget without knowing if or how those actions are getting you closer to your marketing goals. Marketing data reporting is the process of tracking data about your customers, your marketing, its performance, and the market at large. Here are the basics of data reporting.

Overwhelmed By Data? Try a Marketing Reporting Solution

Marketing is all about having the right information at the right time. Often, this involves implementing data capture systems so that you can track information about your customers, as well as your existing marketing and advertising platform. Unfortunately, without an organized marketing reporting solution, many business owners find themselves drowning in data, and unable to make effective decisions based on that data. If you are in that situation, here are a few reasons for trying a reporting solution.

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Top Digital Movement in 2015 – Key for Marketers Success

With the onset of the new year, marketers have realized that the challenges and opportunities for them in 2015 have been like never before. This requires greater awareness about the latest trends in the digital world, contributing towards enhanced customer experience, customization, and multi- platform marketing techniques.

The Funnel – Marketing Strategy or Waterpark Ride?

There are many combinations for how any individual person experiences the ride depending on how they start off, how long they ride around, how many funnels they try, and where they eventually flow out. This model attracts more people, keeps them engaged longer, and increases the number of sales and conversions, which is, after all, what we want in the end.

The 7 Steps to Expert Positioning

Businesses who are Experts in their market consistently lead their competitors. There are 7 Steps you must follow to position yourself as the Expert in your market. This article reveals all seven, starting with #1: Know the Battlefield.

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