Why I Usually Avoid Running Ads & Why I’m Ready to Embrace Them: E121

Are you tired of seeing ads everywhere you go? Are you constantly avoiding them, hoping to have an uninterrupted online experience? Well, you’re not alone. For the longest time, I have been a strong advocate for steering clear of ads and their intrusive nature. But recently, something has shifted. I find myself ready to embrace them, to explore the possibilities they hold. In this blog post, I invite you to join me on a journey to understand why I have made this unexpected change of heart. So sit back, grab a cup of coffee, and let’s delve into the world of ads together. It might just change your perspective.

Why I Usually Avoid Running Ads & Why I’m Ready to Embrace Them: E121


Running ads has always been a topic of debate among marketers. Some swear by it, while others prefer to rely on organic methods for driving traffic and generating sales. For years, I have been a staunch advocate of organic marketing, avoiding paid advertisements altogether. However, recent developments and insights have changed my perspective, leading me to realize the untapped potential of running ads. In this article, I will delve into why I have traditionally avoided running ads, and why I am now ready to embrace them as an integral part of my marketing strategy.

Why I Avoided Running Ads

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  1. Organic Marketing: The Power of Authenticity

For years, I have believed in the power of organic marketing. Building a brand and attracting an audience organically not only allows for a genuine connection with customers but also establishes trust and credibility. By focusing on creating valuable content, offering solutions, and engaging with my audience, I have seen tremendous growth in my business. This approach has enabled me to build a loyal following, who resonate with my brand and what I stand for.

  1. Cost Concerns: Maximizing ROI

Running ads can be costly, especially if not managed efficiently. In the past, I have been apprehensive about investing heavily in advertisements without a guarantee of a high return on investment. Instead, I preferred to allocate resources towards optimizing my organic methods, leveraging SEO, content marketing, and social media strategies to drive traffic and conversions. This approach allowed me to make the most of my marketing budget and ensure long-term sustainability.

  1. Distraction from Core Values

Another reason I avoided running ads is that I didn’t want the focus of my business to shift solely towards sales and conversions. I believe in delivering value first and foremost, and engaging with my audience on a deeper level. Running ads often creates a sense of urgency and pressure to make immediate sales, which may hinder building authentic relationships with customers.

Why I’m Ready to Embrace Ads

  1. Amplifying Reach and Targeting

While organic marketing is powerful, it does come with limitations. Running ads allows me to reach a wider audience beyond my existing reach. With precise targeting options available on platforms like YouTube, I can specifically tailor my ads to reach potential customers who are more likely to engage with my content and convert into paying customers. This opens up opportunities for exponential growth and expanding my business beyond its current boundaries.

  1. Faster Acquisition of Leads and Customers

Organic methods are excellent for building long-term relationships, but they can often be time-consuming. Running ads can accelerate the lead generation process and bring in customers much more quickly. This is particularly beneficial when launching new products or services or when aiming to achieve specific sales targets within a short timeframe.

  1. Complementing Organic Efforts

Rather than replacing organic marketing strategies, running ads can complement them effectively. By integrating both approaches, I can utilize the best of both worlds – the authenticity and trust built through organic methods, alongside the targeted reach and faster acquisition enabled by running ads. This holistic approach will ensure a balanced and comprehensive marketing strategy that aligns with my values while achieving business objectives.


After years of prioritizing organic marketing and shying away from running ads, I have come to realize their value and untapped potential. While organic methods will always be at the core of my marketing strategy, I now see running ads as a valuable tool to amplify reach, acquire leads and customers faster, and complement my existing efforts. By embracing both organic and paid strategies, I am confident in taking my business to new heights and maximizing its potential for growth.


  1. Can I still focus on organic marketing while running ads?
    Absolutely! Running ads doesn’t mean abandoning organic marketing. You can effectively integrate both approaches to create a holistic marketing strategy.

  2. How can I ensure that running ads doesn’t compromise authenticity?
    Maintain your core values and remember that ads should still align with your brand’s messaging. Focus on delivering value through your content and engaging meaningfully with your audience.

  3. Should I invest heavily in running ads from the beginning?
    Start with small, targeted campaigns to gauge their effectiveness and iterate accordingly. Avoid investing heavily without first understanding your audience and their response to your ads.

  4. How can I optimize my ads to maximize ROI?
    Constantly analyze and optimize your ad campaigns. Test different targeting options, ad formats, and messaging to identify what resonates best with your audience and generates the highest return on investment.

  5. What platforms should I consider for running ads?
    Consider platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Google Ads based on your target audience and marketing objectives. Each platform offers unique targeting and ad format options that can be leveraged to reach your desired audience effectively.

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