Red With Rage or Green With Envy? Using Colour in Graphic Design and Corporate Marketing
Ever wondered how colour influences consumer decisions? Learn how to use colour in your corporate design to appeal to more customers and increase your sales.
The One Click Opt In!There’s one powerhouse in digital marketing, and you most Likely use it everyday. The real power of this marketing tool is in the one click opt in – but do you use it to it’s full power?
Can Businesses Learn Anything From How Retailers Use Video?If you’re buying anything off the Internet, or if you are just browsing prior to a shopping trip, chances are you now have the option of viewing a video before you buy. With more than 50% of online retailers using video and that number growing rapidly is there anything the business user can learn from the retailers’ experience of the medium? Retailers such as River Island and US company Summit Sports have invested heavily in product video technology and reports from the retail industry suggest like for like sales increase by anything from 120 – 400% with the addition…
How to Build an eCommerce Website: Tips for the Best Shopping ExperienceIf you are building your own eCommerce site, you need to remember that you have to be able to produce a site that would give the best experience to any visitor, no matter if he is shopping or not. The reason for that is simple – your competitor could easily snag your visitor in a few clicks difference, and customers are always willing to leave an online shop if they feel that someone else would offer a better shopping experience. Here are a few tips on how to build an eCommerce website that would keep customers shopping.
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Marketing and Buyer Behaviour. Marketing is a versatile, crucial and ever changing organisational function. It is a practice that everyone should have a basic understanding of, which is why I am writing a series of articles focused on covering the basics for people that want to know more about this amazing science.
Introduction to Marketing – Part Two: The Marketing EnvironmentMarketing is a versatile, crucial and ever changing organisational function. It is a practice that everyone should have a basic understanding of, which is why I am writing a series of articles focused on covering the basics for people that want to know more about this amazing science.
Small Business Marketing: How To Clone Your CustomersIf you understand why your current customers chose you, you have the opportunity to create more customers just like them. It’s a simple process, and this article explains how.