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Role of Product Prices and Quality in Marketing

Marketing in the 21st century has grown very complex. Apart from great marketing techniques and the right methods to reach your target market, you also need a great product to sell profitably. Product quality and pricing strategy are inherent to marketing and require careful focus if a brand wants its product to be successful. Several brands have used their pricing strategies to create a specific kind of image. Here is more on how pricing and product quality help with marketing through the example of some brands that rock in the market.

Are You an “Insy” or an “Outsy”?

I don’t know if there is a scientific correlation between belly-button types and personalities but casual observation tells me that belly-buttons and personality types follow the same distinctive patterns – both belly-buttons and personalities come in “insy” and “outsy” variations. Just as there are “insy” and “outsy” belly-buttons, there are inner-directed and outer-directed personality types.

How to Work With Influencers

Influencers are everywhere. So much so, they’re now a mainstream marketing avenue. When collaborating with influencers how you work with them is as important as who you choose to work with.

A Beginner’s Guide to Business Analytics

Business Analytics is the practice of iterative, methodical exploration of an organization’s data, with an emphasis on statistical analysis. It is used by companies committed to data-driven decision-making.

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Rotting Lumber, Rusty Hammer, and Angry Dad

I started hearing some banging and sawing and the noise of neighborhood children having serious fun a few months ago. Curious I followed my ears into the woods near my house and found them hard at work trying to build something. I had an immediate memory-flashback to my youth, and to my early parenting years watching my own young children.

5 Ways to Generate Fresh Ideas for New Products

Maybe you’ve heard that there’s nothing new under the sun. That may or may not be true but it will depend on you and your creative juices. In order to find new ideas for products that your customers will love, you don’t have to reinvent the wheel you just have to discover unique ways to make it roll better. With that being said here are five ways that will assist with product generation for your business.

What The Best Content Writing Companies Should Offer You

When you are hiring a content writing company, are you getting all the services you need? Read this article to discover the services that you require to make the most out of your content.

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