7 Most in demand jobs for the future that don’t exist today

Creating A Marketing Plan That Works For You

In small business, creating a defined marketing plan is essential. Most small businesses tend to focus on their day to day activities such as fixing cars, cutting hair, placing orders, managing employees etc. Unfortunately the most important activity, marketing, is often managed in an imprecise and ad hoc way. You are not in the business of “Doing” your business, you are in the business of “Marketing” your business.

Top Reasons To Outsource Installation And Dismantle Needs To Trade Show Display Professionals

Business owners in every industry do have options when it comes to effectively achieving setup and breakdown success. Many corporate leaders recognize that hiring a professional resource that specializes in installation and dismantle can prove well worth the cost.

Mobile Business Apps Are the Next Best Marketing Tool for Small Businesses

A lot of words and statistics can be used to build the case that mobile devices have grown and continue to grow into one of the most popular technological advancements. Just looking around would convince the most skeptical among us. And as with all new developments, the speed with which these new developments are improved and made more accessible, is directly proportional to their popularity. As a result, mobile is changing and improving… FAST!

Time for Change: Corporate and Economic Structure

Is it time to change the way we think about, measure and deliver our economic model? We have seen unprecedented growth under the Capitalist model.

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Learning and Using Guerrilla Marketing Tactics for Business

If you’re looking to make the most out of your business and your life as a professional, it is important to realize that it is all about marketing. No matter what kind of business you run, you will need to get the word out about all that you provide and make connections with people who can look out for you. When this is a matter of concern for you, the best thing you can do for yourself is learn all about the various guerrilla marketing tactics for business. You will be helped by people who have been there and done that, so that you are given the best advice possible, with the ability to apply it to your own personal circumstances.

If You Don’t Remember Them, They Won’t Remember You! Nurture Relationships to Receive More Referrals

Just because you’re good at what you do, doesn’t mean you’ll get referrals. Let current and former clients know that you appreciate receiving referrals. If you don’t remember them, they won’t remember you. Create a plan to keep in touch and you will generate more referrals.

Perhaps It’s Time For Product Managers To Go To Prison

Ok product manager, let’s talk about something different for just a moment. As product managers we are all trying to do the same thing: identify a segment of customers who are underserved, use our product development definition to create a product for them, and then provide them with a solution that meets their needs while making money for our company. How hard could all of that be? It turns out that it’s actually pretty hard to do well. Chris Barrett has found a novel way to do this for a segment of customers who are currently in prison and he’s got a few things to teach the rest of us…

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