Why KEYWORD RESEARCH Is DEAD in 2022 | KDP Niche Research
The Importance of Knowing and Following All YouTube Rules YouTube is the most popular video site in the world but before you publish any video inside YouTube you must understand…
MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH!! | Kindle Publishing 2022 | Book Update 4
What Suits Can Teach Us About Markets The mass standardization of products favors the advance of a frenetic intemperance in economy. Standardized goods lead to the standardized masses. It…
Why I LOVE Upwork for hiring talent for Kindle Publishing in 2022 – UPDATE #3
Are You a Spaghetti Marketer? Every day the world is introduced to new technologies, products and services; gadgets, websites and apps all designed to improve our lives and increase the…
MY ILLUSTRATOR QUIT!!! The Urban Writers vs 99Designs vs Upwork vs Fiverr | KDP 2022 Update 2
How to Use Pinterest For Your Nonprofit We would never venture to say that men are not philanthropic, but studies (like this one from IUPU) have shown women to be…
Does the KDP model work still in 2022? | Kindle Publishing Success
Marketing Plan for Your Business Success Do you have a marketing plan in place for your business? If not, take a look at 5 parts of a marketing plan that…
I Tried Quitting YouTube And Amazon KDP The Biggest Business Lessons I’ve Learned As An Entrepreneur
Don’t Panic – Try Something New Last week, I heard the bark of a distressed dog from my office window. It sure sounded close, and I noticed that one of…
How To Find Your Own Amazon KDP Low Content Book IDEAS That Light Up The Amazon Charts π₯π₯!!
How To Increase Profit Through Effective Marketing It is not enough just to produce some goods and services and hope that they sell, because this is an expensive way of…
How To Find Your Own Amazon KDP Low Content Book IDEAS That Light Up The Amazon Charts π₯π₯!!
Filming Your Corporate Video in a Sound Proof Studio: What You Need to Know When weighing your options between filming on location or in a sound-proof studio it does always…
How To Find Your Own Amazon KDP Low Content Book IDEAS That Light Up The Amazon Charts π₯π₯!!
Calendar Printing – A Potent Marketing and Visibility Augmentation Tool This is the age of iPhone, iPads and other breeds of Smartphone. Within a blink of an eye one can…
How To Find Your Own Amazon KDP Low Content Book IDEAS That Light Up The Amazon Charts π₯π₯!!
Social Media Advertising Vs Traditional Marketing Campaigns Does social media advertising really work? How can you balance the strategy between a traditional marketing balance with social media? A detailed discussion…