Why I LOVE Upwork for hiring talent for Kindle Publishing in 2022 – UPDATE #3
Are You a Spaghetti Marketer? Every day the world is introduced to new technologies, products and services; gadgets, websites and apps all designed to improve our lives and increase the…

MY ILLUSTRATOR QUIT!!! The Urban Writers vs 99Designs vs Upwork vs Fiverr | KDP 2022 Update 2
How to Use Pinterest For Your Nonprofit We would never venture to say that men are not philanthropic, but studies (like this one from IUPU) have shown women to be…

Does the KDP model work still in 2022? | Kindle Publishing Success
Marketing Plan for Your Business Success Do you have a marketing plan in place for your business? If not, take a look at 5 parts of a marketing plan that…

Amazon Ads For Kindle Publishing: What Keywords To Target To LOWER Cost and INCREASE Profits!
Boost Your Market Values Using Personalized Mints and Other Corporate Logo Gifts As time passes, the form of promotion and advertising strategies took new heights in the marketing field. In…

What Ghostbusters Taught Me About Marketing My 16-year old son Jeremy and I enjoy watching classic movies from my youth together. We’ve watched Jaws, Back to the Future and…

Where Is Kindle Publishing Heading in 2021? | Self Publishing Talk Ep. #1
Designing And Printing Your Vouchers Vouchers have for the longest time been used as marketing tools to increase business sales. Customers love being appreciated and being gifted and this is…

Kindle Publishing 2021: $20K A Month As A Self Publisher On Amazon
Prada Product Managers Try To Recover From A Stumble I must confess that I’m not that much into women’s handbags; however, even I recognize what brands are the most…