What to Do When Business Is Slow
Anyone in business knows that there will be inevitable slowdowns; times when customers disappear, sales decline, and overall activity drops off. Whether or not it is a seasonal slowdown or an overall economic decline, your ability to survive depends on how you react when your business stagnates. This is not a time to panic, but rather it is an excellent opportunity to take stock of your overall business.
The Six Golden Rules for a Killer LinkedIn ProfileWith over 200 Million LinkedIn users worldwide it is important we stand out from the crowd and show potential customers our expertise and how we can add value to their business. Follow these golden rules to ensure your LinkedIn profile does just that.
Prepare Each Section Well to Ace the GMAT TestGMAT refers to the Graduate Management Admission Test, which is an online test for students aspiring to become an MBA. On the basis of their GMAT score, they are admitted into premier universities.
5 Reasons to Restage Your BrandAs society and technology shift, it’s important to stay up to date with your brand program. From the identity system to key messages, it’s valuable to review where you fit today, what’s working and what’s not working. Your audiences expect more. Communication channels have changed. You don’t want to fall behind. Here are 5 reasons to implement a brand refresh or a brand restage.
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In today’s rapidly changing world of technology and communication, business owners and managers who are used to marketing as it used to be, are confused and frustrated by the proliferation of new choices–from inbound marketing to social media to email communications. Face it. The sales process has changed. Your audiences expect more. In this article, you’ll learn leverage points you can use to make your marketing more focused and effective.
Traditional Mediums: Focus on Responses Not ROIEvaluating the effectiveness of your marketing promotion can often be an annoying and frustrating process. For the sake of simplicity, most business owners and marketers rely on ROI to help them determine if a promotion was a success or failure. The problem: data used in factoring the ROI’s outcome often paints too broad of a picture thanks to the complexities of your customer’s purchasing habits. The good news, there’s a simpler way to track your results and that’s by focusing on responses.
Effective HVAC Marketing StrategiesOnline marketing can be an effective way of improving and increasing your HVAC business. With the right HVAC marketing strategies, you can maximize your company’s visibility among your potential customers.