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Four Keys to Creating an Evergreen Boot Camp If your practice is filling up and you are looking for ways to serve more people, consider developing a boot camp program….

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What Your Logo Should Say About You Among the many crucial decisions being made with a new business, don’t overlook branding and logo design. The logo is what is probably…

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Are You Communicating With Archaic Expressions? Don’t touch that dial! Get off your soapbox! And call me toll-free! If those expressions make perfect sense to you, you’re probably not communicating…

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Role of Product Prices and Quality in Marketing Marketing in the 21st century has grown very complex. Apart from great marketing techniques and the right methods to reach your target…

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Five Practices to Increase Profits Without Stress When your main focus is on increasing profits and expanding the reach of your marketing, it’s incredibly easy to be taken down a…

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Going Global With Influencer Marketing Remember that girl in seventh grade who always had the hottest, latest cropped jacket or denim skirt, and made sure everyone else wanted it, too?…

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4 Things to Consider for Using Promotional Products The prevailing marketing strategy for most businesses includes the usage of promotional items. This is because these are more cost-effective than any…

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5 Reasons Why You Should Re-Evaluate Your Marketing Strategy, Even When Business Is Good Businesses avoid criticism nearly at all costs, and the hesitance to hearing something negative shows itself…

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What to Look for in an Email Marketer Email is NOT dead! We repeat: Email is not dead! Email may seem like an archaic method of connecting with customers with…

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4 Benefits of Issuing and Accepting Gift Cards Offering gift cards is a great way to acquire new customers while retaining loyal ones. For retail stores and special-service businesses like…