A Shopify Hack Nobody Talks About #shorts
What is a Shopify hack that nobody talks About if you want to see exactly how Many orders each Shopify store is doing All you have to do is number one place An order in the store you will get…

How Society Is Making You Weak #shorts
You lived you pay to access your doubt You're a perfect citizen get a job work Until you're 65 and then and this way They don't have to pay you the Retirement society and like the media Train people to…

Why Ads Won’t Work For Your Brand
So I run a performance marketing agency For seven and eight figure e-commerce Brands so a lot of people ask me about How to run ads but here's something That's much more important than running Ads I'll illustrate my point…

How This Lamp Can Pay Your Rent #shorts
Here's how this lamp and Shopify can pay Your rent let's say your rent is fifteen Hundred dollars say you want to sell This slam for 75 average Shopify store Makes about 20 profit margin which means From 7 500…

This Trend Is Making Millions On Shopify
Hey guys Zari here and in today's video We're gonna be going over a breakout Trend in the e-commerce space that You've probably heard of and I'm also Going to be sharing with you an example Of a tick tock…

Brilliant Biz TikTok Strategy (12M Views)
So this video right here from a marble Countertop brand has 12 million views It just goes to show that really any Kind of business needs to be setting up A nice content strategy Follow for more

Successful TikTok Ad Idea: 7 Million Views
And so this clip right here has seven Million views like a spring and honestly It's an amazing app it's something even Cooler this shoe has our insole in it Right it's super authentic [Music] So [Applause] I really love…

TikTok Might Be Getting Banned
Did you hear about the potential Banning Of tick tock Let me see Um okay so if Senate passes legislation To ban Tick Tock from U.S government I Did hear a little about this but I Didn't know that it…

This Simple Shopify Store Is Making Millions
Everybody always tries to solve a really Cool problem or create a really cool Business whenever they think to get Started with e-commerce but in today's Video I want to share with you a store That is very practical you…