Nice Girls Don’t Publish Books? - Empowering Female Authors & Executives with Dr. Lois Frankel

Nice Girls Don’t Publish Books? – Empowering Female Authors & Executives with Dr. Lois Frankel

Hey Chandler bolt here and joining me Today is Dr Lois Frankel uh Dr Lois has Become synonymous with empowering women In the workplace uh she's an executive Coach and the author of multiple books Uh including uh nice girls…

Is it true that there are already too many freelancers out there?

Is it true that there are already too many freelancers out there?

What is the reason why some aspiring Freelancers don't actually get into the Freelancing industry and there is this Sort of wall that somehow does not allow Them to get into it well there is this Very common excuse that…

Skills Matrix: The Million Dollar Tool that Nobody is Using to Get Hired & Protect their Job

Skills Matrix: The Million Dollar Tool that Nobody is Using to Get Hired & Protect their Job

Do you feel stuck do you feel like you Would like to do something else but you Don't really know what that something Else should be and you want to make a Change but it scares you only thinking About…

You Want To Write A Book. Congratulations! But, what's next?

You Want To Write A Book. Congratulations! But, what’s next?

Okay so you want to write a book now What if you're seeing this message it's Probably because I've been frantically Googling how to write a book or how to Publish a book or something along those Lines and after…

When you don't have a skill to offer in freelancing....

When you don’t have a skill to offer in freelancing….

So let's talk about the things that Newbie and aspiring Freelancers always Use as an excuse and that is I don't Know what skill to offer this is a very Common line when they're trying to get Into freelancing like…

Goal Setting & Planning for 2023

Goal Setting & Planning for 2023

Hey what's up you guys welcome back to My channel my name is Ami Bruni so make Videos about videos freelancing and Digital marketing Today in this video we are going to be Talking about how you can share goal…

Building An Empire And Becoming Unbreakable with Elena Cardone

Building An Empire And Becoming Unbreakable with Elena Cardone

Welcome to the self-publishing school Podcast this is the podcast to Listen to If You're an aspiring writer or an Author who wants to sell more books on This show you'll learn how to write and Launch a book successfully…

Demi Bernice Live Stream

Demi Bernice Live Stream

Just increasing not enough customers What was it in King June's Mastermind Right conversion Scaling Right ability to convert more customers Higher equity Cost Um Facebook ad costs Quality of leads right chat you

How to Use ChatGPT to Find a High Paying Remote Job in Less Than 1 Hour - Step by Step Tutorial

How to Use ChatGPT to Find a High Paying Remote Job in Less Than 1 Hour – Step by Step Tutorial

Are you tired of endlessly scrolling through job postings with no luck? Well, then, let's chat about your job search wingman and help you land Your dream job. Step by step. I wanted to put tragedy to the test and…

Did you know these famous books were self published? 🤔

Did you know these famous books were self published? 🤔

Three famous books you probably didn't Know were self-published book number Three might shock you number one is 50 Shades of Gray by E.L James originally Developed as a Twilight fan fiction El James removed Master of the Universe From…

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